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Q: What file type are the Skyrilon Knights games?

A: The games run using Adobe Flash, they are .swf files. Adobe no longer supports Flash files. The purchaser is solely responsible for checking to make sure that their system can run Flash files!
Q: How do I open/play the games I have downloaded?
A: It is recommended to play the games using Adobe Flash Player, however, you can also open them in your internet browser. Make sure you have Flash installed on your computer or that your device is Flash compatible.
Q: Will the games run on Mac?
A: Yes, as long as your device is compatible with Adobe Flash or has it installed.
Q: I'm having trouble downloading my games.
A: Click the link sent to your email after purchasing your game. If that does not allow you to download the file, continue reading the email to find your password to install your game from BMT Micro's website. All game distributions are handled by BMT Micro, so if further problems exist, contact their customer support.
Q: Can I help beta test Skyrilon Knights?
A: Beta testing is permitted only to those who are pledging $10 or more on my Patreon page.

If you have a question not mentioned here, check out my Contact page.




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Skyrilon Knights series, including all settings and characters, are copyright © 2011 - 2018


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